CARIBBEAN Prayer Roster 2016 caribbean_prayer_roster_2016.pdf
Repentance, Restoration, Rallying,and Resistance
Repentance, Restoration, Rallying,and Resistance
A Flow Chart to help track the ideological and organisational history of Comprehensive Sexuality Education.
A Flow Chart to help track the ideological and organisational history of Comprehensive Sexuality Education.
A rights-based approach to sex education that seeks the deliberate early sexualisation of children...
The Buggery Law
'The buggery law' refers to particular sections of the Offences Against the Person Act. Find out exactly what it says here.
FAQs about the 'Buggery Law'
There are many questions surrounding the implications of the buggery law and its removal. Does the law discriminate? Does the law prevent treatment and care for persons living with HIV/AIDS? Are Jamaicans being homophobic? See our answers to these and other questions here.
Caution - Do Not Touch the 'Buggery Law'
This flyer provides you with an easy way to remember the reasons why it is important to keep the buggery law using the acronym B.U.G.G.
Click here.
Click here.
write a letter to your member of parliament
Would you like to let your Member of Parliament know that you reject the homosexual lifestyle? Would you like to express your support for retaining and enacting laws that protect the sanctity of life, marriage and family? Click here and use our template letter; sign it and mail it to your Member of Parliament. For contact information for your Member of Parliament visit the ECJ Website.
Fact Sheet - Speaking Truth is not Homophobia
This information sheet provides valuable information which was published by reputable medical journals highlighting the inherent risk of homosexual behaviour among men who have sex with men. This information was used in advertisments in order to educate and inform Jamaicans that removal of the buggery law is neither necessary nor sufficient to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS in Jamaica. Rejection of homosexual behaviour is not "homophobia". Click here for more information.