Press releases
JTA President stands on solid ground to reject integration of SOGI into education sectorDecember 13, 2023
The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) firmly stands with Mr. Leighton Johnson, President of the Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA) in rejecting the acceptance or utilisation of the terms ‘sexual orientation’ and gender identity’ (SOGI) in the education sector (Jamaica Observer, 13/12/2023). SOGI is neither accepted in Jamaican law nor in any binding international treaty. |
Chairman of the JCHS, Dr Wayne West remarks that, “the terms ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ are based on false and flawed ideas. A person’s sex is either male or female and is determined from conception. No matter what a person may feel about him or herself, sex can never be changed. It is biologically and medically impossible. To affirm that a man can become a woman, or a woman can become a man, by undergoing surgeries or taking hormones, is to aid and abet someone’s confusion and delusion. Such a person needs sound counselling support to regain a correct sense of self. Furthermore, homosexual and bisexual sexual preferences are abnormal and run against design and purpose of the natural order of the universe.”
The JCHS asserts that the societal chaos that would result from introducing those terms into law and policy is not imagined but can be clearly seen in the experiences of other nations such as the USA, UK and Canada which have normalised those terms.
In accepting ‘gender identity’, males who feel they are female are being allowed to use female bathrooms, play on female sports teams, and in Canada, convicted male sex offenders are permitted to transfer to female prisons putting the female inmates at risk for sexual assault by the male imposters. ‘Sexual orientation’ is undefined and potentially unlimited in its scope going beyond homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual and can include other criminally prohibited behaviours such as incest, pedophilia and bestiality.
JCHS Legal Counsel Shirley Richards adds that even the use of the word ‘gender’ to classify humans is extremely suspect. Of note is that there is no constitutional basis for use of the word ‘gender’ in this manner. “The Report of the Joint Constitutional Committee, 2001, which oversaw public discussion on, and deliberated on the amendments to Constitution namely the Charter of Rights, recognised that ‘gender’ refers to the grammatical classification of nouns and related words, however the word ‘sex’ is the more appropriate designation for humans. The resulting section 13 (3) (i)) in the Charter of Rights therefore expressly provides for one classification of humans, namely, ‘sex’ being either male or female.”
JCHS Advocacy Officer, Philippa Davies comments that, “most persons are unaware that it was in the 1960-70’s that Dr John Money (1921-2006) popularised the terms ‘gender’ and ‘gender identity’. He was among the pioneers of the now discredited practice of sex ‘reassignment’ surgery and was a proponent of pedophilia. His most famous and disastrous experiment was to force the parents of Bruce Reimer to raise the boy as a girl, while Money routinely sexually traumatised Bruce and his twin brother as children. This experiment ended tragically with both brothers becoming severely mentally distressed and committing suicide two years apart while still in their 30’s. The mainstreaming of the word ‘gender’ in various policy documents, and programmes in Jamaica has really been based on grammatical inaccuracy and a sordid history.”
The JCHS urges Government Ministries, Agencies and Departments (MDAs) to bring their activities and programme titles in line with the Constitution by replacing ‘gender’ with sex and thus avoiding the undesirable association with an unethical history in the false description of humans as a ‘gender’.
The JCHS asserts that the societal chaos that would result from introducing those terms into law and policy is not imagined but can be clearly seen in the experiences of other nations such as the USA, UK and Canada which have normalised those terms.
In accepting ‘gender identity’, males who feel they are female are being allowed to use female bathrooms, play on female sports teams, and in Canada, convicted male sex offenders are permitted to transfer to female prisons putting the female inmates at risk for sexual assault by the male imposters. ‘Sexual orientation’ is undefined and potentially unlimited in its scope going beyond homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual and can include other criminally prohibited behaviours such as incest, pedophilia and bestiality.
JCHS Legal Counsel Shirley Richards adds that even the use of the word ‘gender’ to classify humans is extremely suspect. Of note is that there is no constitutional basis for use of the word ‘gender’ in this manner. “The Report of the Joint Constitutional Committee, 2001, which oversaw public discussion on, and deliberated on the amendments to Constitution namely the Charter of Rights, recognised that ‘gender’ refers to the grammatical classification of nouns and related words, however the word ‘sex’ is the more appropriate designation for humans. The resulting section 13 (3) (i)) in the Charter of Rights therefore expressly provides for one classification of humans, namely, ‘sex’ being either male or female.”
JCHS Advocacy Officer, Philippa Davies comments that, “most persons are unaware that it was in the 1960-70’s that Dr John Money (1921-2006) popularised the terms ‘gender’ and ‘gender identity’. He was among the pioneers of the now discredited practice of sex ‘reassignment’ surgery and was a proponent of pedophilia. His most famous and disastrous experiment was to force the parents of Bruce Reimer to raise the boy as a girl, while Money routinely sexually traumatised Bruce and his twin brother as children. This experiment ended tragically with both brothers becoming severely mentally distressed and committing suicide two years apart while still in their 30’s. The mainstreaming of the word ‘gender’ in various policy documents, and programmes in Jamaica has really been based on grammatical inaccuracy and a sordid history.”
The JCHS urges Government Ministries, Agencies and Departments (MDAs) to bring their activities and programme titles in line with the Constitution by replacing ‘gender’ with sex and thus avoiding the undesirable association with an unethical history in the false description of humans as a ‘gender’.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 876.779.6219
PRESS RELEASE Nov 9, 2023 ACP-EU Agreement - Jamaica DO NOT SIGN!![]()
Carl Robanske played Jamaica and the CPFSA
JANUARY 12, 2023: The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) expresses its shock and deep dismay at the detailed Report and chilling findings on the relationship between American, Carl Robanske and the Jamaican Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA).
Without a doubt, full disclosure of the American sex predator’s actions is mandatory in order to understand the extent of his exploitation of vulnerable girls, who are victims of Jamaica’s social and cultural failures. Carl Robanske 'played' Jamaica, with classic pedophile strategy – woo with money and gifts, in order to earn the trust of the authorities and future victims. He nearly got away scot-free but for investigative journalism at Nationwide News (2021) and now, the excellent investigative report by the Diahann Gordon-Harrison led team at the OCA. The JCHS is grateful for their dogged determination to expose the truth and pursue justice for Jamaica’s children. |
On page 35 of the Report, it is stated in part as follows: “By its actions, the CPFSA and its management perhaps even legitimized Robanske and enabled his association with a vulnerable population it was duty bound to protect.”
This is shameful on the part of both the CEO Rosalee Gage Grey, and the Board of the CPFSA. We therefore join in the call for the resignation of Gage-Grey. Are there others who knew of the circumstances who either facilitated or did nothing regarding same? Dare we ask what action was taken by the Board to protect our girls? All complicit persons (whether by acts of omission or commission) must be exposed and held accountable. Additionally, we call on CISOCA to investigate whether Carl Robanske should be charged with offences under the Sexual Offences Act. |
It is a source of national shame that some girls defended the predator Carl Robanske because he gave them gifts and paid for school fees.
We applaud the courage of the brave minority -who despite being labelled ‘informer’ by the others- did the right thing and testified to truth.
Compassionate and careful counselling is immediately needed for all the wards implicated; for their healing and rewiring of their distorted thinking of protecting abusers. We urge Minister Fayval Williams to ensure that this is done without delay.
Tragically, Carl Robanske is not the first predator, nor will he be the last. Jamaican men and women also prey on their young.
Carl Robanske worked to his advantage, the existing Jamaican culture of neglect and abandonment of children who are in desperate need of emotional care and attention. This is aggravated by a resource strapped State child-care system and a society that often prioritizes economics over ethics.
We call on all well-thinking Jamaican adults who truly care for the vulnerable to do the following:-
❖ Continue to advocate for what’s best for children; being raised by their own fathers and mothers in a safe, low-conflict, loving home.
❖ Continue to encourage child-protecting champions and alert gatekeeping such as was done by the OCA and proactive journalists.
❖ Continue to teach our children how to recognize healthy versus unhealthy behaviours, and to shout aloud about any abuse.
❖ Continue to hold leaders in all domains concerning our children, to a high degree of scrutiny. Sex predators come in many shapes and
forms. Many are ‘Wolves in sheep clothing". We cannot naively hope that they will reform. Our children deserve better.
We applaud the courage of the brave minority -who despite being labelled ‘informer’ by the others- did the right thing and testified to truth.
Compassionate and careful counselling is immediately needed for all the wards implicated; for their healing and rewiring of their distorted thinking of protecting abusers. We urge Minister Fayval Williams to ensure that this is done without delay.
Tragically, Carl Robanske is not the first predator, nor will he be the last. Jamaican men and women also prey on their young.
Carl Robanske worked to his advantage, the existing Jamaican culture of neglect and abandonment of children who are in desperate need of emotional care and attention. This is aggravated by a resource strapped State child-care system and a society that often prioritizes economics over ethics.
We call on all well-thinking Jamaican adults who truly care for the vulnerable to do the following:-
❖ Continue to advocate for what’s best for children; being raised by their own fathers and mothers in a safe, low-conflict, loving home.
❖ Continue to encourage child-protecting champions and alert gatekeeping such as was done by the OCA and proactive journalists.
❖ Continue to teach our children how to recognize healthy versus unhealthy behaviours, and to shout aloud about any abuse.
❖ Continue to hold leaders in all domains concerning our children, to a high degree of scrutiny. Sex predators come in many shapes and
forms. Many are ‘Wolves in sheep clothing". We cannot naively hope that they will reform. Our children deserve better.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
JULY 5, 2022: The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) has welcomed the US Supreme Court decision in the case of Dobbs v Jackson which overturned Roe vs Wade and Planned Parenthood vs Casey. These decisions created a so called “right’ to abortion across the United States. We agree with the Court that these decisions were flawed and thus they were correctly overturned.
No one has the right to take innocent human life, irrespective of the age or physical location of that human person.
Further, the action of creating “rights” that are not in the Constitution, is overstepping the authority of the Court. The role of the Court is to adjudicate on the actual content of the Constitution not to create “rights” that are foreign to the intention of the framers. Human rights can only be justified within a transcendent framework that recognises the inherent value of all human beings. Human rights are not “gifted” by one powerful group of humans to weaker and more vulnerable persons. The Dobbs decision will no doubt save millions of babies’ lives. It should strengthen our moral courage to retain those laws that recognize the value of the life of the unborn child. There is much work to be done. We are aware that crisis pregnancies will continue to be an issue and as such Government, churches, civil society groups, and the society in general must become more intentional in supporting women and children in these circumstances. The JCHS has invited the public to attend a public lecture on Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. entitled Roe v Wade under water: Impact and Implications. The lecture will be streamed on the Issachar Foundation Jamaica Facebook page. |
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
FEBRUARY 8, 2022: On Wednesday February 2, 2022, at the opening of the Savanna La Mar field hospital, the Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. Christopher Tufton, referred to a ‘Calendar of Events’ to be rolled out under “a controlled setting”, for which “the single most significant criterion… is that you must be vaccinated.”
In response to this statement, the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) would like to inform the public that the Minister’s position has nothing to do with public health, as particularly since the advent of the Omicron strain, being vaccinated does not prevent anyone from being infected with or transmitting the virus.
For example, public health data out of Pennsylvania, USA, in January 2022, showed that 42% of persons who were infected with Covid-19 were fully vaccinated. In many other countries such as the UK, Norway, the Netherlands and Israel, their Covid-19 infection rates are high among the fully vaccinated.
A more logical way of creating a controlled setting would be to make the single most significant criterion for attendance to be that of a negative test for Covid-19.
The Minister’s statement is to be seen as unjustifiable discrimination against the unvaccinated. In effect, his comments are divisive and are intent on punishing 80% of the Jamaican population.
For example, public health data out of Pennsylvania, USA, in January 2022, showed that 42% of persons who were infected with Covid-19 were fully vaccinated. In many other countries such as the UK, Norway, the Netherlands and Israel, their Covid-19 infection rates are high among the fully vaccinated.
A more logical way of creating a controlled setting would be to make the single most significant criterion for attendance to be that of a negative test for Covid-19.
The Minister’s statement is to be seen as unjustifiable discrimination against the unvaccinated. In effect, his comments are divisive and are intent on punishing 80% of the Jamaican population.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Prime Minister Andrew Holness had inaccurately stated that, “Those who don’t take the vaccine remain the host population for the reproduction and mutation of the virus”.
The twelve doctors explained that the statement was inaccurate for two primary reasons:
(1) “None of the vaccines that have been administered or are currently available in Jamaica prevent infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons can harbor and shed the virus, and this is particularly true of the Delta variant which is now the predominantly prevalent strain.
(2) It is a long- established unequivocal medical fact that mutations occur when a virus is replicating in infected persons. This may occur whether the infected individual is vaccinated or unvaccinated.”
For these two key reasons, the doctors stated that it would be illogical to institute mandatory vaccination based on this inaccurate assertion.
The signatories to the letter are Dr Wayne West, Dr. Doreen Brady-West, Dr. Kay Bailey, Dr. Sheree Simpson, Dr. Daniel Thomas, Dr. Brittanie Clacken, Dr. Andre Williams, Dr. Arthur Malcolm, Dr. Michael Abrahams, Dr. Jennifer Mamby-Alexander, Dr. Arlene Rose, and Dr. Kelly-Lois Gooden-Morgan.
The twelve doctors explained that the statement was inaccurate for two primary reasons:
(1) “None of the vaccines that have been administered or are currently available in Jamaica prevent infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons can harbor and shed the virus, and this is particularly true of the Delta variant which is now the predominantly prevalent strain.
(2) It is a long- established unequivocal medical fact that mutations occur when a virus is replicating in infected persons. This may occur whether the infected individual is vaccinated or unvaccinated.”
For these two key reasons, the doctors stated that it would be illogical to institute mandatory vaccination based on this inaccurate assertion.
The signatories to the letter are Dr Wayne West, Dr. Doreen Brady-West, Dr. Kay Bailey, Dr. Sheree Simpson, Dr. Daniel Thomas, Dr. Brittanie Clacken, Dr. Andre Williams, Dr. Arthur Malcolm, Dr. Michael Abrahams, Dr. Jennifer Mamby-Alexander, Dr. Arlene Rose, and Dr. Kelly-Lois Gooden-Morgan.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
16,000 signatures in 16 days "Preserve parental rights "
September 6, 2021: The Prime Minister of Jamaica and Minister of Education have been called on to ensure equal access to education for all Jamaican students.
Since its launch on August 22, 2021, the petition has garnered more than the minimum of 15,000 signatures to place the issue before the Prime Minister, in less than the 40 day limit for securing signatures.
It also questions the decision in light of World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines to reserve vaccination of children, and to avoid vaccine mandates. The petition to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education, has garnered over 10,000 signatures in less than 48 hours. The media announcement to restrict access to face-to-face classes for secondary school students unless vaccinated with a Covid-19 vaccine was issued on August 19, 2021, to widespread concern from parents. No public discussion, consultation with parents or legislative changes to bring this position to pass have so far been undertaken. |
Dr Wayne West, Chairman of the JCHS has said, “ further data.”
The petitioners have emphasised that for responsible parental decisions to be made with informed consent, a supportive environment, free of coercion and with transparent access to the relevant facts is required. The petition invites citizens to take action to preserve parental rights, equal access to education for all Jamaica students and the citizen’s right to make decisions that are of fundamental personal importance, such as medical care, free from state interference.
Dr West continued, “The new technology in the gene-based vaccines appear to be a source of concern and vaccine hesitancy. We recommend that the Government seek to source other vaccines made by traditional technology.”
The Government has been called on to:
The petitioners have emphasised that for responsible parental decisions to be made with informed consent, a supportive environment, free of coercion and with transparent access to the relevant facts is required. The petition invites citizens to take action to preserve parental rights, equal access to education for all Jamaica students and the citizen’s right to make decisions that are of fundamental personal importance, such as medical care, free from state interference.
Dr West continued, “The new technology in the gene-based vaccines appear to be a source of concern and vaccine hesitancy. We recommend that the Government seek to source other vaccines made by traditional technology.”
The Government has been called on to:
(i) Immediately make it clear to the public that a child’s access to face-to-face classes in September will NOT be dependent on his/her vaccination status.
(ii) Actively promote and enable early at-home treatment of COVID-19, through public education campaigns and public-private partnerships with Jamaican private doctors who are successfully treating patients with Covid-19. This will immediately assist in relieving the pressure on the public health sector, without having to curtail fundamental human rights to achieve that objective. (iii) Systematically and accurately record adverse events from the vaccines and ensure public access to these reports (so that parents can have full access to all relevant information in their decision-making process.) (iv) Provide full disclosure of the information about adverse effects of the vaccines so that true informed consent of parents can be achieved. |
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Over 10,000 Jamaicans sign petition – "Do not coerce parents into vaccinating children"
August 24, 2021: More than 10,000 Jamaicans have supported a petition by writing to the Prime Minister and Minister of Education to support equal access to education for all Jamaican students.
The petition, launched on Sunday by the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS), calls on the government to withdraw the apparent restriction of in-person learning to only vaccinated children. It also questions the decision in light of World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines to reserve vaccination of children, and to avoid vaccine mandates.
The petition to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education, has garnered over 10,000 signatures in less than 48 hours. The media announcement to restrict access to face-to-face classes for secondary school students unless vaccinated with a Covid-19 vaccine was issued on August 19, 2021, to widespread concern from parents. No public discussion, consultation with parents or legislative changes to bring this position to pass have so far been undertaken. |
Dr Wayne West, Chairman of the JCHS has said, “Like many others, we are alarmed at the level of infections and deaths due to Covid -19. We appreciate the efforts of the government to make COVID-19 vaccines available to adults who wish to receive them. However, the Government has given only two options to parents – rush to vaccinate their children without adequate information or be excluded from the much anticipated and desired delivery of goods and services, the return to face-to-face school. This simply put, is coercion.”
The petitioners have emphasised that for responsible parental decisions to be made with informed consent, a supportive environment, free of coercion and with transparent access to the relevant facts is required. The petition invites citizens to take action to preserve parental rights, equal access to education for all Jamaica students and the citizen’s right to make decisions that are of fundamental personal importance, such as medical care, free from state interference.
Dr West continued, “The new technology in the gene-based vaccines appear to be a source of concern and vaccine hesitancy. We recommend that the Government seek to source other vaccines made by traditional technology.”
The Government has been called on to:
The petitioners have emphasised that for responsible parental decisions to be made with informed consent, a supportive environment, free of coercion and with transparent access to the relevant facts is required. The petition invites citizens to take action to preserve parental rights, equal access to education for all Jamaica students and the citizen’s right to make decisions that are of fundamental personal importance, such as medical care, free from state interference.
Dr West continued, “The new technology in the gene-based vaccines appear to be a source of concern and vaccine hesitancy. We recommend that the Government seek to source other vaccines made by traditional technology.”
The Government has been called on to:
(i) Immediately make it clear to the public that a child’s access to face-to-face classes in September will NOT be dependent on his/her vaccination status.
(ii) Actively promote and enable early at-home treatment of COVID-19, through public education campaigns and public-private partnerships with Jamaican private doctors who are successfully treating patients with Covid-19. This will immediately assist in relieving the pressure on the public health sector, without having to curtail fundamental human rights to achieve that objective. (iii) Systematically and accurately record adverse events from the vaccines and ensure public access to these reports (so that parents can have full access to all relevant information in their decision-making process.) (iv) Provide full disclosure of the information about adverse effects of the vaccines so that true informed consent of parents can be achieved. |
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
LGBTQ flag at the US Embassy = Cultural Imperialism and Intolerance
June 17, 2021: The below named Jamaican NGO’s view with disgust the flying of the ‘rainbow’ LGBTQ flag on the grounds of the US Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica.
Flag of Intolerance
The LGBTQ flag is a flag of intolerance and polarization. It represents gross disrespect and an assault upon the consciousness of our Jamaican society. There is no good reason for it to be flown at an Embassy in Jamaica. If Jamaicans allow this to occur unchallenged, it opens the door for the USA and other foreign nations to influence our social and political structure by way of diplomatic bullying. Human Dignity We believe that all persons are entitled to human dignity, however, this does not overlap with so-called “sexual rights”. The government of the USA is using the premises at 142 Hope Road in Kingston, Jamaica, to promote a perverse lifestyle that involves the corruption of children, destruction of family life and the hi-jacking of femininity itself through the transgender movement which robs women of their rights. Effect of LGBTQ movement The LGBTQ political movement is not a civil rights movement. Experts call it “a Marxist post-modern political ideology”. The LGBT elite who need no special protection seek to suppress the fundamental freedoms of conscience, religion, and parental rights of others, which is no basis for pride but for shame. This movement will lead to silencing the voice of Christians and conscientious objectors to the LGBTQ lifestyle even as churches continue their work of counselling, mentoring, and supporting those who struggle with unwanted same sex attraction. Breach of International law This act of cultural imperialism defines America’s identity as LGBTQ. It is also in defiance of Jamaica’s laws and cultural norms. Additionally, it is in breach of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,1961, Articles 20, 41, 3 (1)(e). All foreign diplomats should appreciate how contemptuous it is to attempt to impose their dogma upon other nations, which would not be tolerated in the reverse. American Foreign Policy should not be geared towards exporting sexual deviancy and perversion but have nobler ideals such as assisting host countries with alleviating crime and poverty. |
Lawyers Christian Fellowship, Jamaica
Hear the Children’s Cry Chosen to GLOW Ministries |
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Incoherent Covid-19 management by MOHW
APRIL 29, 2021: Hundreds of Jamaicans have suffered and died from COVID 19 infection and its complications.
The vaccines currently in use are NOT:
The JCHS therefore wishes to ask the following questions: 1) Why is the MOHW only now considering the regulatory approval for a cheap, safe, repurposed medication, Ivermectin, for which there is significant evidence of efficacy, particularly in the early stages of infection? 2) Why is the MOHW leaving the importation of this medication to private operators, thus allowing the black market to set the price in the middle of a national crisis? Evidence for the efficacy of Ivermectin is shown in the chart below. |
Meta Analysis of 52 Studies: Summary of results
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Incoherent comments of Victoria Jubilee SMO
February 9, 2021: The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) views with serious concern the recent statement, as reported in the Gleaner of Friday, February 5, 2021, by Dr. Garth McDonald, Senior Medical Officer (SMO) of the Victoria Jubilee Hospital, expressing support of the legalisation of abortion. How incoherent it is for the SMO of Jamaica’s main maternity hospital, an institution whose aim is to assist in bringing innocent unborn children into the world, to promote legalisation of the unlawful killing of the same innocent unborn children.
Every Obstetrician/Gynaecologist (OBGYN) caring for a pregnant mother is caring for two patients, the mother and her unborn child. The unborn child is the “other patient”. Under different circumstances, when the unborn child is cutting-edge innovations like intrauterine surgery or blood transfusion are proudly announced and hailed with great fanfare.
One reliable feature of both Truth and Goodness is coherence. It is therefore logical that moral evil is characterised by incoherence. Doctors caring for pregnant mothers advise them to take folic acid in very early pregnancy in order to prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida, which cause serious neurological problems. In fact, women who intend to get pregnant should commence this medication before pregnancy in order to protect their babies from the first day of conception. How incoherent then, for any doctor to claim that it is acceptable to kill babies in the womb, at even later stages of pregnancy. There is no essential biological difference between a desired baby and an inconvenient one. Such an assertion would be anti-scientific and illogical.
In the famous Hand of Hope photo, Michael Clancy captured the image of the tiny hand of the 21-week foetus Samuel Armas Junior grasping a surgeon's finger who carried out ground- breaking corrective surgery on Samuel for spina bifida, while he was still in his mother’s womb. Today, Samuel is a 21 year-old pro-life advocate. If at 22 weeks, his mother no longer desired to be pregnant, would it have been acceptable for the OBGYN to kill him?
There is too much bloodshed in Jamaica. We ought not to add abortion of the unborn to the growing list of victims. Murder is murder no matter the size of the victim. Please rethink your position Dr McDonald.
One reliable feature of both Truth and Goodness is coherence. It is therefore logical that moral evil is characterised by incoherence. Doctors caring for pregnant mothers advise them to take folic acid in very early pregnancy in order to prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida, which cause serious neurological problems. In fact, women who intend to get pregnant should commence this medication before pregnancy in order to protect their babies from the first day of conception. How incoherent then, for any doctor to claim that it is acceptable to kill babies in the womb, at even later stages of pregnancy. There is no essential biological difference between a desired baby and an inconvenient one. Such an assertion would be anti-scientific and illogical.
In the famous Hand of Hope photo, Michael Clancy captured the image of the tiny hand of the 21-week foetus Samuel Armas Junior grasping a surgeon's finger who carried out ground- breaking corrective surgery on Samuel for spina bifida, while he was still in his mother’s womb. Today, Samuel is a 21 year-old pro-life advocate. If at 22 weeks, his mother no longer desired to be pregnant, would it have been acceptable for the OBGYN to kill him?
There is too much bloodshed in Jamaica. We ought not to add abortion of the unborn to the growing list of victims. Murder is murder no matter the size of the victim. Please rethink your position Dr McDonald.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
No to ‘hate crimes’ legislation
August 24, 2020: The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) notes with concern the recent announcement by Prime Minister Andrew Holness that if re-elected, “a JLP administration will pass legislation to classify politically motivated offences as hate crimes.” He went further to say that such ‘hate crimes’ would include “crimes that can be seen to be motivated by the characteristic of a person.”
Crime is action driven by malicious intent. Virtually all crimes are hate crimes. What then is the Prime Minister’s rationale in seeking to create a special category of crime?
The Gleaner’s comments provide some clarity (August 20, 2020). It stated that in some jurisdictions “the term ‘hate crime’ can be used to describe a range of criminal behaviour where the perpetrator is motivated by hostility or demonstrates hostility towards a victim’s disability, religion, race, sexual orientation, or transgender identity”.
The JCHS is enquiring, was the Prime Minister in fact alluding to ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’? If so, the Jamaican public must understand that these two specific terms and concepts are potentially limitless in definition. ‘Sexual orientation’ refers to fluid sexual preferences and varying sexual behaviours, some of which are prohibited in Jamaican law. ‘Gender identity’ is a false claim that men can be women or vice versa. If he intends to put these concepts into law, the Prime Minister would be normalising in the minds of the Jamaican public – including our children - abnormal behaviours and mental illness.
There is more. The very concept of ‘hate crimes’ is subjective. Much depends on the perspective of the alleged ‘victim’ as distinct from the nature of the action or content of the speech. In other Western nations, the concept of ‘hate crimes’ has been used to punish honest speech, stifle freedom of expression and control citizen’s thoughts.
The JCHS calls on the Prime Minister to make his intentions clear as to where he plans to take our country. We call on the voting public to pay close attention to this serious issue. Our fundamental freedoms may very well be at stake.
The Gleaner’s comments provide some clarity (August 20, 2020). It stated that in some jurisdictions “the term ‘hate crime’ can be used to describe a range of criminal behaviour where the perpetrator is motivated by hostility or demonstrates hostility towards a victim’s disability, religion, race, sexual orientation, or transgender identity”.
The JCHS is enquiring, was the Prime Minister in fact alluding to ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’? If so, the Jamaican public must understand that these two specific terms and concepts are potentially limitless in definition. ‘Sexual orientation’ refers to fluid sexual preferences and varying sexual behaviours, some of which are prohibited in Jamaican law. ‘Gender identity’ is a false claim that men can be women or vice versa. If he intends to put these concepts into law, the Prime Minister would be normalising in the minds of the Jamaican public – including our children - abnormal behaviours and mental illness.
There is more. The very concept of ‘hate crimes’ is subjective. Much depends on the perspective of the alleged ‘victim’ as distinct from the nature of the action or content of the speech. In other Western nations, the concept of ‘hate crimes’ has been used to punish honest speech, stifle freedom of expression and control citizen’s thoughts.
The JCHS calls on the Prime Minister to make his intentions clear as to where he plans to take our country. We call on the voting public to pay close attention to this serious issue. Our fundamental freedoms may very well be at stake.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Covid-19 Protocols for entry into Jamaica
June 25, 2020: The JCHS notes with concern that over the past few days the persons who have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus are all persons who have recently entered the island.
Whilst we understand the need to re-open the business and tourism sectors, we are concerned that more should be done to mitigate the health risk to the population.
We are also concerned about whether our health care systems can cope with the number and severity of illness caused by visitors and residents who do not know their Sars-CoV-2 status until they enter the island. Do visitors to the island have travel insurance to medivac them home? In this regard, we support the requirement for both nationals and visitors to acquire a Travel Authorization document for entry to Jamaica. We also urge the government to require a valid COVID-19 test within 48 hours of travel to Jamaica and to require that the result of this test be included in the information provided by visitors applying for Travel Authorization. |
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 876.372.7304 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
April 16, 2020: Almost one year ago to the day, on the 12th of April 2019, the Full Court of the Supreme Court of Jamaica struck down the National Identification and Registration Act, otherwise referred to as the NIDS law.
The court found, among other things, that:
- The NIDS law did not provide sufficient safeguards against misuse and abuse of the data collected,
- The compulsory taking of biographical and biometric data was a violation of privacy rights,
- The mandatory legal obligation by Jamaican and ordinary residents to produce a National Identification Number (NIN) or National Identification Card (NIC) when seeking to access goods and services from public bodies while not placing the same legal obligation on foreigners to produce some form of identification amounted to unequal treatment, and
- Requiring a NIN as a prerequisite to holding a passport was disproportionate and harmed the constitutional right to a passport.
In his leading judgment, Chief Justice Brian Sykes, having identified violating provisions, declined to sever them and allow the rest of the statute to stand because, “…the regime …does not offer sufficient protection for the sensitive data that is to be collected under the statute. This means that even if the scheme were a voluntary one more robust protection would be required.”
At a press briefing on March 20, 2020, Prime Minister Andrew Holness informed journalists of the government’s intention to, “…move as quickly as possible within the boundaries of the law and the constitution to ensure that every citizen in Jamaica has a unique identifier that will be able to ensure that whatever benefits that come from the government will go directly to them”. Ominously, the Prime Minister also stated that the government would be “putting the NIDS on a faster track to implementation… we cannot waste a crisis.” These utterances have caused grave disquiet in many quarters harping back as it did to the circumstances in which the first impugned NIDS law was passed in November 2017. In November, 2017, by legislative manoeuvring, Prime Minister Holness took advantage of the ill-conceived walk-out by the parliamentary opposition to pass a law which, before that November sitting, had neither been seen nor studied by the government or opposition Members of Parliament, their constituents whom they represent, or the media. The draft Act had only just come back from the senate with 168 amendments. |
Quite reasonably, the Prime Minister, at the start of the sitting, stated there would be no debate that day as all members of the house, on both sides of the aisle, needed time to read the amended bill. In the end, the lure of US$68-million loan funding from the Inter-American Development (IDB) outweighed the ethical niceties. The PNP walked out after heated debate over procedural issues, the Prime Minister astoundingly went back on his word, and the NIDS was passed into law.
Many voices from civil society had begged the government for a chance to be heard. Members of the Parliamentary Opposition along with, the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS), the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (LCF), Jamaican Bar Association (JBA), the Love March Movement (LMM), the Church and other religious groups, the Rastafari community, the Joint Trade Union Congress (JTCU), and over 66,000 people who signed a petition (see Appendix 1) called on the government to respect the principle of democracy. They demanded the setting up of a process of consultation with the Jamaican people, including a Joint Select Committee of Parliament to examine and report to the House of Representatives on the NIDS Bill.
As was the case in November 2017, speed motivated by political expedience, is still anathema to the diligence required to establish adequate data protection and other regulatory frameworks. As Jamaica and the world battle the COVID-19 pandemic, there are greater moral imperatives now than in 2017. If passed, a NIDS law will have far-reaching consequences for almost six million Jamaicans at home and in the diaspora, as well as persons ordinarily resident on the island.
On this first anniversary of the false start of NIDS, we call upon the government to honour the trust reposed in it by its citizens, home and abroad at this delicate and vulnerable time of a public disaster by making the NIDS Bill 2020 public as soon as possible and inviting interested parties to participate in a fulsome national discourse concerning the new NIDS proposition.
Many voices from civil society had begged the government for a chance to be heard. Members of the Parliamentary Opposition along with, the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS), the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (LCF), Jamaican Bar Association (JBA), the Love March Movement (LMM), the Church and other religious groups, the Rastafari community, the Joint Trade Union Congress (JTCU), and over 66,000 people who signed a petition (see Appendix 1) called on the government to respect the principle of democracy. They demanded the setting up of a process of consultation with the Jamaican people, including a Joint Select Committee of Parliament to examine and report to the House of Representatives on the NIDS Bill.
As was the case in November 2017, speed motivated by political expedience, is still anathema to the diligence required to establish adequate data protection and other regulatory frameworks. As Jamaica and the world battle the COVID-19 pandemic, there are greater moral imperatives now than in 2017. If passed, a NIDS law will have far-reaching consequences for almost six million Jamaicans at home and in the diaspora, as well as persons ordinarily resident on the island.
On this first anniversary of the false start of NIDS, we call upon the government to honour the trust reposed in it by its citizens, home and abroad at this delicate and vulnerable time of a public disaster by making the NIDS Bill 2020 public as soon as possible and inviting interested parties to participate in a fulsome national discourse concerning the new NIDS proposition.
Signed by:
Dr. Wayne West Chairman Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) (876) 372 - 7304 Mrs. Helene Coley Nicholson The Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship (LCF) (876) 398 – 8894 Dr. Daniel Thomas President The Love March Movement (LMM) (876) 889 – 3888 Rev. Jefferey Shuttleworth Chairman and General Manager TBC Radio Rev. Donovan Cole Pastor Calvary Gospel Assembly |
Contact: [email protected]
Dr Wayne West, Chairman (876) 372 - 7304 | Dr. Daniel Thomas, President – LMM. (876) 889 – 3888 Appendix 1 Williams, Y., (2017). Consult the People of Jamaica on the Intrusive National ID System Before Rolling It Out. Retrieved from |
March 22, 2019 - A number of Church and civil society groups have written to Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, requesting that the Jamaican government withdraw its support for Margaret May Macaulay as a Commissioner of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).
The Lawyers Christian Fellowship, Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, Jamaica CAUSE, Love March Movement, Hear the Children’s Cry, Jamaica Evangelical Alliance, and Portmore Holiness Christian Church have expressed their grave concern regarding Jamaica’s nomination of Margarette Macaulay to a second term as a member of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).
The IACHR is an autonomous organ of the Organization of American States and has been at the forefront of championing LGBT and abortion rights.
In the letter dated March 19, 2019, the groups pointed to a recent interview in the United Kingdom where Prime Minister Holness called on other nations and international bodies to show “respect for the process that is taking place in Jamaica as a democratic society ... that believes in freedom and the protection of human rights.”
Unfortunately, Commissioner Margarette Macaulay and her predecessor, at the IACHR, Tracy Robinson, have been working against the Prime Minister’s reasonable petition to respect the sovereignty and constitutional order of democratic nations. Commissioner Macaulay has made public statements as Commissioner, that are inconsistent with Jamaica’s laws and norms.
Recently, nine United States Senators highlighted the “ideologically-motivated actions” of Commissioner Macaulay, meant to unduly influence ongoing legislative debates. In a letter to U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, the U.S. legislators stated that Commissioner Macaulay traveled to Argentina and attempted to influence the democratic deliberation by Argentina’s legislature by calling for the legalization of abortion under an erroneous interpretation of international law.
On the topic of homosexual marriage, Commissioner Macaulay has shown a lack of respect for those who do not share her opinion and a willingness to use her official position to impose acceptance of her flawed ideology that is a danger to human flourishing. The position that she adopts would undermine the sovereign democratic right of nations like Jamaica to determine their own social policies.
In asking the Andrew Holness led government to withdraw its support for the re-nomination of Margarette Macaulay, the Jamaican Church and civil society groups said support for human rights does not necessitate support for her personal ideology to be imposed upon the people of Jamaica. They say the outcome would be arbitrary and unreasonable discrimination against the majority of Jamaicans. The groups’ position is that any nominee to the Commission supported by the Government of Jamaica, ought, at the very least, to represent the norms and values of the Jamaican people.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
The IACHR is an autonomous organ of the Organization of American States and has been at the forefront of championing LGBT and abortion rights.
In the letter dated March 19, 2019, the groups pointed to a recent interview in the United Kingdom where Prime Minister Holness called on other nations and international bodies to show “respect for the process that is taking place in Jamaica as a democratic society ... that believes in freedom and the protection of human rights.”
Unfortunately, Commissioner Margarette Macaulay and her predecessor, at the IACHR, Tracy Robinson, have been working against the Prime Minister’s reasonable petition to respect the sovereignty and constitutional order of democratic nations. Commissioner Macaulay has made public statements as Commissioner, that are inconsistent with Jamaica’s laws and norms.
Recently, nine United States Senators highlighted the “ideologically-motivated actions” of Commissioner Macaulay, meant to unduly influence ongoing legislative debates. In a letter to U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, the U.S. legislators stated that Commissioner Macaulay traveled to Argentina and attempted to influence the democratic deliberation by Argentina’s legislature by calling for the legalization of abortion under an erroneous interpretation of international law.
On the topic of homosexual marriage, Commissioner Macaulay has shown a lack of respect for those who do not share her opinion and a willingness to use her official position to impose acceptance of her flawed ideology that is a danger to human flourishing. The position that she adopts would undermine the sovereign democratic right of nations like Jamaica to determine their own social policies.
In asking the Andrew Holness led government to withdraw its support for the re-nomination of Margarette Macaulay, the Jamaican Church and civil society groups said support for human rights does not necessitate support for her personal ideology to be imposed upon the people of Jamaica. They say the outcome would be arbitrary and unreasonable discrimination against the majority of Jamaicans. The groups’ position is that any nominee to the Commission supported by the Government of Jamaica, ought, at the very least, to represent the norms and values of the Jamaican people.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
National Identification and Registration Bill (NIDS) - Why the undue haste? Personal freedoms are at risk. Delay passage of the Bill.
'Anyone who does not enroll after three years of the NIDS implementation can be fined the sum of $100,000.00 or be subjected to other forms of punishment such as community work.'
Read full release HERE.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Murder of 17 year old Meadowbrook student
August 8, 2017: The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, the Love March Movement, Hear the Children’s Cry and the National Association for the family are horrified at the news of the murder of a 17 year old female Meadowbrook High School student and injuring of her younger sister. The murdered student Micholle Molton was killed because she reportedly refused the sexual advances of men in her community.
If this report is true, it means that Micholle, a high school student, was killed simply for saying “no” to sexual advances of predator(s). This is absolutely distressing as our children should be allowed to flourish to adulthood without this type of tragic pressure and irrespective of their places of abode.
We express our deepest sympathy to her grieving family, classmates and friends.
We urge law enforcement to work assiduously to achieve a speedy apprehension of the perpetrators. We appeal to those with information to have courage to speak up so that the matter can be successfully brought to trial and conviction(s) secured. Preserving the rule of law is critical to protecting every member of society.
Every effort must be made to prevent a repeat tragedy. This is not the role only for the police but for all Jamaicans. We each share in the responsibility to protect our children and their future. Only by collective action against the scourge of crime, can Jamaica become the place of choice to live and raise families.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
If this report is true, it means that Micholle, a high school student, was killed simply for saying “no” to sexual advances of predator(s). This is absolutely distressing as our children should be allowed to flourish to adulthood without this type of tragic pressure and irrespective of their places of abode.
We express our deepest sympathy to her grieving family, classmates and friends.
We urge law enforcement to work assiduously to achieve a speedy apprehension of the perpetrators. We appeal to those with information to have courage to speak up so that the matter can be successfully brought to trial and conviction(s) secured. Preserving the rule of law is critical to protecting every member of society.
Every effort must be made to prevent a repeat tragedy. This is not the role only for the police but for all Jamaicans. We each share in the responsibility to protect our children and their future. Only by collective action against the scourge of crime, can Jamaica become the place of choice to live and raise families.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Jamaica Independence 55August 6, 2017: The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) celebrates with all Jamaicans on the 55th anniversary of our Independence. As we pause to reflect on what our Independence means to us, we recall the words of National Hero the Right
Excellent Marcus Garvey, “a people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots”. We therefore remember with gratitude to God Almighty those who fought both for our freedom and for our independence as a sovereign nation. |
We are the beneficiaries of their legacy as we are now living in a country where we enjoy certain fundamental rights and freedoms. We ought to remind ourselves of the caution issued by another National Hero, the Right Excellent Norman Washington Manley Q.C, on the passage of the Jamaican Constitution in Parliament. He stated that, “it is not Constitutions that preserve these rights...It is the spirit of the people.
It is the vigilance of the people; it is the public opinion, and it is the constant awareness of itself; and it is the quality of leadership that exists.”
As an independent people we assert the right to forge our pathway as a nation. We welcome the decision of the Supreme Court in the Bain v UWI case which vindicated the Professor’s and by extension all Jamaican’s right to freedom of speech. The court decision also handsomely validates the actions of those who protested their concerns about the death of free speech at the gates of the UWI for 6 weeks. Like the sons of Issachar, they recognised that much was at stake and they knew what to do.
As we proceed on the course of building our nation, let us put aside greed, envy, ‘bad-mindedness’ and crime. Instead let us all work hard at our occupations with the aim of being self-sufficient and also of helping our country to be independent of foreign forces who would want to exploit our economic weakness by imposing their values on us.
That they desire to continue in their propaganda and imperialist activities should be clear to us after the recent pronouncements of the US Embassy in Kingston.
Let us protect our children, the future of this nation imparting to them wholesome values. Let us work diligently and creatively, let us think generously and honestly, so that Jamaica may, under God, increase in beauty, fellowship and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race. In so doing we will fulfill our 2030 vision making Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
It is the vigilance of the people; it is the public opinion, and it is the constant awareness of itself; and it is the quality of leadership that exists.”
As an independent people we assert the right to forge our pathway as a nation. We welcome the decision of the Supreme Court in the Bain v UWI case which vindicated the Professor’s and by extension all Jamaican’s right to freedom of speech. The court decision also handsomely validates the actions of those who protested their concerns about the death of free speech at the gates of the UWI for 6 weeks. Like the sons of Issachar, they recognised that much was at stake and they knew what to do.
As we proceed on the course of building our nation, let us put aside greed, envy, ‘bad-mindedness’ and crime. Instead let us all work hard at our occupations with the aim of being self-sufficient and also of helping our country to be independent of foreign forces who would want to exploit our economic weakness by imposing their values on us.
That they desire to continue in their propaganda and imperialist activities should be clear to us after the recent pronouncements of the US Embassy in Kingston.
Let us protect our children, the future of this nation imparting to them wholesome values. Let us work diligently and creatively, let us think generously and honestly, so that Jamaica may, under God, increase in beauty, fellowship and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race. In so doing we will fulfill our 2030 vision making Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Contemptuous statements by Hon. Delroy Chuck
June 9, 2017: The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) is alarmed at the disturbing remarks made by the Honourable Delroy Chuck, Minister f Justice, at the Regional Parliamentarians Forum organised by the Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP) on May 30-31, 2017 in Kingston, Jamaica.
Minister Chuck suggested to over 30 Parliamentarians from several CARICOM territories, to lead by removing the buggery law in their countries “regardless of the consequences”, and not follow “the “herd mentality” to keep it. PANCAP is the regional entity overseeing national HIV programmes, but uses this mandate to aggressively advocate for the advancement of the LGBTTQQI political agenda. Chief among PANCAP‟s political objectives is the removal of “Jamaican Buggery Law”. The removal of the law is a necessary first step in a legislative strategy to re-organise the Jamaican society. It would appear that Minister Chuck shares PANCAP‟s political objectives. One is led to this conclusion because like PANCAP the minister claimed that “‟stigma and discrimination‟ is the “greatest threat to the success in the fight against the disease”. |

This position is grossly flawed as it goes against standard medical epidemiological practice, in which behaviours associated with high risk for a disease are actively discouraged. HIV/AIDS has the highest rates among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). It is well established that 98% of the difference in HIV rates between MSM and heterosexuals is due to anal receptive intercourse, “buggery”, and role reversal in MSM networks. Role reversal refers to the fact that males can be either the inserting partner or the receptive partner in the act of buggery.
Neither PANCAP nor the minister address this fact in their strategy for dealing with HIV / AIDS.
For a parliamentarian of Minister‟s Chuck‟s experience to be seduced by PANCAP‟s unsound arguments brings into question his judgment, decision making and motives. His remarks also show contempt for the sincerely held and logical beliefs of the majority of Jamaicans. The voice of the people has been heard over the last 3 years through public rallies and other fora, and the 2014 Bill Johnson poll that “91 % of Jamaicans believe lawmakers should make no attempt to repeal the controversial 'buggery law'".
The Minister‟s statements at the PANCAP meeting raises even greater concern, as he has clearly articulated a bias against the views of the majority of Jamaican people, even before the conclusion of the Joint Select Committee debate, of which he is the current Chairman, The Committee is currently deliberating the Sexual Offences Act, the Domestic Violence Act, the Offences Against the Person Act and the Child Care and Protection Act.
According to Minister Chuck “the region needs a social revolution built on the fundamental principles of human rights”. The Honourable Minister is either deliberately unaware or careless as to the impact of revolution he seeks. It both normalises and prioritises LGBTTQQI behaviour and has resulted in the loss of fundamental human rights such as the loss of the freedoms of speech, conscience, religious liberty, and the loss of parental rights, loss of jobs and ultimately punishment of citizens in developed countries who do not support LGBT agenda.
Why then is Minister Chuck insisting that parliamentarians lead the Jamaican people into an illogical experiment which will remove the fundamental human rights which ALL Jamaicans currently enjoy?
We remind all Members of Parliament that their primary obligation is to their electorate and not to any unelected, politically appointed foreign entity or interest, regardless of the consequences.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
Neither PANCAP nor the minister address this fact in their strategy for dealing with HIV / AIDS.
For a parliamentarian of Minister‟s Chuck‟s experience to be seduced by PANCAP‟s unsound arguments brings into question his judgment, decision making and motives. His remarks also show contempt for the sincerely held and logical beliefs of the majority of Jamaicans. The voice of the people has been heard over the last 3 years through public rallies and other fora, and the 2014 Bill Johnson poll that “91 % of Jamaicans believe lawmakers should make no attempt to repeal the controversial 'buggery law'".
The Minister‟s statements at the PANCAP meeting raises even greater concern, as he has clearly articulated a bias against the views of the majority of Jamaican people, even before the conclusion of the Joint Select Committee debate, of which he is the current Chairman, The Committee is currently deliberating the Sexual Offences Act, the Domestic Violence Act, the Offences Against the Person Act and the Child Care and Protection Act.
According to Minister Chuck “the region needs a social revolution built on the fundamental principles of human rights”. The Honourable Minister is either deliberately unaware or careless as to the impact of revolution he seeks. It both normalises and prioritises LGBTTQQI behaviour and has resulted in the loss of fundamental human rights such as the loss of the freedoms of speech, conscience, religious liberty, and the loss of parental rights, loss of jobs and ultimately punishment of citizens in developed countries who do not support LGBT agenda.
Why then is Minister Chuck insisting that parliamentarians lead the Jamaican people into an illogical experiment which will remove the fundamental human rights which ALL Jamaicans currently enjoy?
We remind all Members of Parliament that their primary obligation is to their electorate and not to any unelected, politically appointed foreign entity or interest, regardless of the consequences.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
JCHS concerns with Cybercrimes Act
March 20, 2017: The recent arrest of Tambourine Army co-founder Latoya Nugent has drawn particular attention to the amended Cybercrimes Act, 2015. We refer specifically to section 9 (1) on use of a computer for malicious communication and which contains the subjective and undefined terms of ‘threat’, ‘menacing’, ‘harass’, ‘harm’, and ‘apprehension of harm’ among others.
The vagueness of these terms makes it possible for the State to arbitrarily suppress citizens’ freedom of speech. The JCHS affirms that freedom of speech is the cornerstone of a democratic society. We therefore call upon the Jamaican legislature to review the Cybercrimes Act to ensure that it is clear, precise and does not facilitate abuse of freedom of speech of all Jamaicans. Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219 |
Sexual abuse by church leader
January 10, 2017 The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) makes reference to the distressing story of Rev Rupert Clarke who has been charged with offences relating to sexual intimacy with a minor. We say emphatically that the law must be allowed to take its course in this matter.
Of great concern is the story carried in the Daily Gleaner of January 10, 2017 that the church’s leadership was aware of the behavior of Rupert Clarke. The JCHS firmly states that there cannot be any room within church leadership for paedophiles. Once such allegations have been made then this becomes a matter for investigations by the Police. Leaders who cover up wrongdoing of others are just as guilty as the actual perpetrators. |
We urge Churches to develop and adopt a Child Protection Policy setting out protocols in the event of child molestation allegations. This policy would bring guidance in these situations according to our child protection laws so that crucial decisions are not left to the discretion of any one leader. However there has to be transparency, accountability and responsibility on the membership of the church itself in monitoring adherence to such policies because human leadership can fail.
We want to remind the society that sex is sacred. God the Creator designed this act of intimacy to be enjoyed in one context only; consensually between adults, husband and wife in covenant marriage. The purpose for this design is for the physical, emotional and psychological health of both husband and wife, and the safety of the rest of society especially children. It would do well for all Jamaican society to re-discover the logic of this biblical principle. The JCHS acknowledges that wrongdoing is everywhere but to cover up sin because of the status, title or position of authority of the wrongdoer is truly evil. We call on fellow Christians who are committed to biblical sexual ethics and the truth, whether they are in leadership or of the laity, to rededicate themselves to lives of sexual purity and to being protectors of the nation’s children.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
We want to remind the society that sex is sacred. God the Creator designed this act of intimacy to be enjoyed in one context only; consensually between adults, husband and wife in covenant marriage. The purpose for this design is for the physical, emotional and psychological health of both husband and wife, and the safety of the rest of society especially children. It would do well for all Jamaican society to re-discover the logic of this biblical principle. The JCHS acknowledges that wrongdoing is everywhere but to cover up sin because of the status, title or position of authority of the wrongdoer is truly evil. We call on fellow Christians who are committed to biblical sexual ethics and the truth, whether they are in leadership or of the laity, to rededicate themselves to lives of sexual purity and to being protectors of the nation’s children.
Contact: [email protected] | Dr Wayne West, Chairman 798-5548 | Philippa Davies, Advocacy Officer 779-6219
November 18, 2016 - Jamaican Gov’t must resist pressure from the UK and any other Government, international or local agents, to pressure Jamaica into abandoning our sovereign right to self-determination and participation at the United Nations General Assembly on the vote on Resolution 32/2 , this coming Monday November 21,2016.
NOVEMBER 8, 2016 - Encouragement to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Jamaica ahead of critical UN vote on preserving national freedoms. Read more. The UN General Assembly is expected to vote on a Resolution seeking to appoint a global LGBT advocate on Thursday, November 10, 2016.
SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 - we regret to announce the passing of Rev Earl Thames, a man of Issachar
JANUARY 22, 2016 -Statement for Anniversary of Roe v Wade, the 43rd Anniversary of America’s Day of Shame . Read more...
The JCHS protests against the forcible and inhumane removal of 5 children from their nurturing parents by the Norwegian Child Welfare Services...Read ___More
The JCHS protests against the forcible and inhumane removal of 5 children from their nurturing parents by the Norwegian Child Welfare Services...Read ___More
JUNE 29, 2015 - CARICOM CIVIL SOCIETY DECLARATION . ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SIX (1286) churches and civil society organisations representing hundreds of thousands from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) supported by individuals from 80 other countries across the globe ...Read More_
An official with the US Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica has apologized to the Government of Jamaica for what he described as “a diplomatic faux-pas and miscommunication’ regarding the on-going visit..Read More |
MAY 21, 2015 - STATEMENT ON VISIT BY US Special Envoy for LGBT Human 'Rights', Randy Berry
Jamaica Must Reject US Foreign Policy of Exporting Buggery and Sexual Confusion. Read more APRIL 5, 2015 - STATEMENT ON VISIT BY US PRESIDENT OBAMA
The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) has noted an open letter to President Obama by various LGBT groups in the USA published online (April 3, 2015) Read_ more |
The JAMAICA COALITION FOR A HEALTHY SOCIETY (JCHS), a family advocacy NGO based in Kingston, Jamaica and the LAWYERS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, JAMAICA welcome the opportunity to have participated in the Civil Society forum at the 7th renewal of the Summit of the Americas. Read_ more |
Jamaica CAUSE is outraged with the recent upsurge of violence in our society. We are greatly distressed at the number of children that are part of these statistics. Our society has reached a new low when instead of caring and protecting our children, we are slaughtering them. Read more
Jamaica CAUSE is outraged with the recent upsurge of violence in our society. We are greatly distressed at the number of children that are part of these statistics. Our society has reached a new low when instead of caring and protecting our children, we are slaughtering them. Read more
JUNE 2014 - PANCAP 'JUSTICE FOR ALL' DECLARATION AND ROADMAP. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY (140) organisations from 12 CARICOM territoriesrepresenting thousands of citizens and voters have sent their clear objection to plans to subjugate the region to a new kind of imperialism which will fundamentally re-order our way of life. Read more..
June 2014 - sex, lies and rights: a jchs documentary (contextual statement)This documentary addresses the reality of the homosexual/Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) agenda and its implications for Jamaica. We respectfully encourage you to watch this DVD so that you are aware of another side of the debate. Read more..
june 2014 - unauthorised intervention in children's homesThe Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) is incensed - but not surprised - at the recent news reports of unsolicited and unauthorised interventions by Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) and the Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition (CVCC) in several Jamaican children’s homes. Both groups have acted in concert with FAMPLAN, the local affiliate of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), which is a known advocate of harmful sexual behaviours. Read more..
MAY 27, 2014 - THE DISMISSAL OF PROFESSOR BRENDAN BAINThe Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society (JCHS) joins others in strongly objecting to the dismissal of Professor Brendan Bain, Director of the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training network (CHART) by the University of the West Indies (UWI). It has been well documented in the USA, UK and Canada that public disagreement with homosexual behaviour is now a basis for victimization. Read more..